Ananda Professional continues the pioneering commitment of Ananda Hemp by bringing to market the first fully compliant and legal CBD oil product line created specifically for the needs of independent pharmacies and healthcare professionals.
Ananda Professional owns the largest largest private cannabis seed bank consisting of 300+ cultivars and ascensions gathered from nearly every continent on the planet. Cannabinoid profiles, or what the oils consist of, is very important to how it will affect your body.
The FDA regulates the quality of pharmaceuticals by carefully monitoring manufacturers’ compliance with its Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations. The cGMP regulations contain minimum requirements for the methods, facilities and controls used in manufacturing, processing and packing of a product. Ananda Professional is cGMP-compliant which ensures product consistency, purity and potency. Further, Ananda Professional sends each lot of finished product to an independent, accredited third-party laboratory for testing and provides a Certificate of Analysis for each product lot.