Covid-19 Testing Q&A

Answers to Questions About Our COVID-19 Testing

Q:  Do you perform COVID-19 testing?
A:  Yes, we do both the active virus detection swab and the antibody blood serum test.

Q:  Do you perform Rapid COVID-19 testing?
A:  Yes, we do. You will have your results in as little as 15 minutes. We have a limited number of slots available daily.

Q:  When should I get tested for the active virus detection?
A:  If you are feeling sick with a fever, cough, trouble breathing, upper respiratory infection, loss of sense of taste or smell, or general flu like symptoms OR you have been in close contact for 15 min or more with someone who tested positive, you should get tested.

Q:  Must I be exhibiting symptoms before I can get an active virus detection swab test? 
A:  No, anyone can be tested.

Q:  Do you accept my insurance?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot bill insurance for tests at this time and you will be required to pay out of pocket. We can provide you with forms to submit for reimbursement with your insurance provider.  

Q:  How much does it cost to get the Rapid 15 min active virus swab test?
A:  $129.99

Q:  How much does the blood Anti-body test cost?
A:  $59.99

Q:  Can I make an appointment to be tested?
A:  Yes! If you go to our websites homepage you can click the box "Book an Appointment" and select a time slot that works best for you!

Q:  Is there a long wait time to get tested?
A:  We are requiring all patients wanting to be tested to please reserve a time slot online for you to be tested. Your time is an estimated place in line and not an exact appointment time.

Q:  What are the differences between antigen tests and other COVID-19 PCR molecular tests?
A:  Molecular tests (also known as PCR tests) detect genetic material from the virus. Antigen tests detect proteins from the virus and provide results in as little as 15 minutes. Antigen tests are very specific for the virus but are not as sensitive as molecular tests.

Q:  How will you convey the results to me?
A:  You will receive the results at the time of testing.

Q:  How accurate are the results for rapid testing?
If you have a positive test result, it is very likely that you have COVID-19 because proteins from the virus that causes COVID-19 were found in your sample. Therefore, it is also likely that you may be placed in isolation to avoid spreading the virus to others. There is a very small chance that this test can give a positive result that is wrong (a false-positive result). 

A negative test result means that proteins from the virus that causes COVID-19 were not found in your sample. It is possible for this test to give a negative result that is incorrect (false negative) in some people with COVID19. This means that you could possibly still have COVID19 even though the test is negative. The amount of antigen in a sample may decrease the longer you have symptoms of infection. Specimens collected after you have had symptoms for more than seven days may be more likely to be negative compared to a molecular assay.

Q:  What is the difference between the active virus swab versus the antibody blood test.  Can you clarify?
A:  The nasopharyngeal active virus swab test (rapid or outside lab) looks for a current virus infection.  This is the most common test that is requested.  If you are feeling sick, have a fever, cough, trouble breathing, or having general flu like symptoms, this is the test you want in order to see if you currently have the virus.  The antibody blood serum test is for if you had symptoms consistent with possible Coronavirus infection several weeks ago and looking back think you might have had COVID-19?  You might be a good candidate for this test.  Antibodies are developed by the body in response to a viral infection.  According to the FDA, COVID-19 antibody testing may indicate that the person has been exposed to the virus in the past. It is important to note that some studies are showing that antibodies in COVID-19 patients, especially those with mild symptoms, can be very short-lived; 30-60 days, then they become undetectable.
  • Antibody testing is not very useful in detecting ACUTE disease. Antibodies show up about 3-4 weeks after the infection starts.
  • Antibody testing may not be useful in detecting disease that occurred more than 60 days ago.
  • There is data suggesting that antibodies do not confer immunity, so the presence of antibodies may be brief and unhelpful in terms of preventing future infections.

Q:  Where is Uptown Rx Pharmacy located?
A:  3408 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas TX 75219 (Across from Eatzi's, next to Sherman-Williams)

Q:  When is Uptown Rx Pharmacy open?
A:  We are open 6 days a week with the exception of November 26th-28th our business hours are Mon-Fri  9am-6pm.  Sat 10am-2pm

Q:  Do I need an appointment?
A: Yes! As time slots are sure to fill up, please make sure you reserve a time slot on our website to assure you are able to come in and get tested.

Q:  I tested positive and am felling better now, can I stop the self-quarantine sooner?
A:  No, unfortunately not. The purpose of the self-quarantine is to prevent the spread of the disease to others, which is possible even if you feel better.

Q: Do I need to tell people that I have had contact with that I have Covid-19?
A:  Yes. You should notify anyone you have had close contact with (closer than 6 feet apart, with no mask on, for more than a few minutes) that you have Covid-19, and that they need to self-quarantine for 14 days from that contact. The health department may call you for contact-tracing. Please answer that call and assist them with this.

Q:  Do my friends and family members need to be tested?
A:  If they can easily self-quarantine for a period of 14 days and they do not have symptoms, then they do not necessarily need to be tested. However, if they want to be tested, we will be happy to test them.

Q:  Do I need to be re-tested after my self-quarantine?
A: The CDC no longer requires testing to ensure that your disease has resolved. If you self-quarantine for at least 10 days from the start of your symptoms, and no longer have fever, you may stop self-quarantine without any further testing. If your work requires you to be re-tested, we can do a repeat rapid test once your self-quarantine is complete.

Q:  Do I need to do anything differently after the self-quarantine?
A:  You should continue to wear a mask outside of the house, stay at least 6 feet away from people, and avoid large gatherings. This is a new disease: we cannot pinpoint exactly when you stop being contagious, and we do not know how long immunity lasts. You will need to continue to take precautions.

Q:  Will I develop any more symptoms than I have now?
A:  You might, especially if you had very mild symptoms when you were diagnosed. You might develop fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, “body aches,” or changes in smell and taste. Many people, however, do not develop any more symptoms.

Q:  What should I watch out for?
A:  The main thing you should pay attention to is your breathing. If you become short of breath, you should go to the ER immediately, and tell them that you have Covid-19. Also go to the ER if you become confused, or if you can’t keep down liquids.